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Ruby the July Birthstone - is Ruby The Rarest birthstone?

Ruby the July Birthstone - is Ruby The Rarest birthstone?
July Birthstone: Ruby Stone Meanings and History
Ruby is derived from the Latin word ruber which means red. It is often called a color of love and passion. Rubies are considered the most valuable gemstones. Ruby belongs to the same minerals as sapphires. They are sold at higher prices per carat in a variety of colors. Historically, rubies are known for their beauty and their value in jewelry. Ruby signifies richness and captivating beauty and captivates people for its distinct importance in gemstones.
The crimson color of Ruby stone is linked to devotion, passion, and energy. In many cultures, the Ruby stone is called a symbol of life, prosperity, and good health.

The contemporary meaning of Ruby is often associated with wisdom.
In medieval times rubies used to traded on the North Silk Road in 200 B.C. within China. Chinese and Burmese warriors used rubies in battle armor to protect them. In India Ruby was called ratnaraj which means king's most valuable stone. Rubies are a symbol of youthful energy and power. In medieval Europe, rubies were considered a symbol of good health, wisdom, and wealth.
In 1800 Ruby stone was separated from other red colouredstones for example spinel. Rubies are used in medical instruments, lasers, and watchmaking. The crust laser was made in 1960 which has a red fluorescent light that is emitted from ruby fitted in laser.
Chemical properties of Ruby Gemstone
Ruby stone has the same chemical composition as other gemstones, for example, sapphires are in the same category. The only difference is different color which occurs because of traces of chromium in the Ruby crystal lattice structure that gives a red hue to Ruby. Moreover, Ruby has traces of traces of other elements that influence its color and other physical properties.
For instance, titanium and iron traces make rubies look brownish or blue tint. Vanadium gives the purplish red color to Ruby. In some cases, rubies have additional rutile needles which causes a star effect that is known as asterism. Synthetic rubies are formed in the laboratory and have similar properties to natural Rubies. Synthetic rubies are created with the help of the Verneuil method in which gems are melted and crystallized.
The powdered alumina with mixed with a small quantity of chromium oxide to form crystals which are cut and polished into a gemstone. The artificially created rubies are simpler in structure. Synthetic rubies consist of aluminum, oxygen, and small amount of chromium traces, and some other elements that can affect the color and chemical properties.

Natural rubies are formed through the crystallization process. In the crystallization process minerals are converted to a molten state and into solid crystals. The crystalline structure of rubies consists of other elements. The aluminum and oxygen combine in the form of crystals to form a Ruby. Red Ruby color is achieved only through the right amount of chromium. The variation in the quantity of chromium can affect the red color of a ruby.
How Ruby Stone Take Formation?
Ruby needs specific conditions for its creation in nature. Rubies are formed under high temperature and pressure with three elements chromium, aluminium, and oxygen. The naturally formed rubies take millions of years and are found in different locations in the earth's crust. Naturally, rubies are formed under suitable conditions which are facilitated with the help of geothermal activity on the earth's surface.
The rubies are mostly found in metamorphic rocks which include marble, schist, and gneiss. Metamorphism changes the rocks by applying heat and pressure that creates new minerals in the earth's crust.
Myths about Rubies
In Hindu mythology, God destroyed the demon Vala and his blood formed pools of blood on Earth. On the banks of these pools of blood, rubies are found. In India river Ganga is considered sacred and these pools were there in Hindu mythology. The red color is linked to fire, blood, and mainly inner fire. High-quality rubies are considered to be precious gemstones. In Burma Warriors used rubies on their armour. It is believed rubies would provide invincibility in battle. In the East, people believed that fiery gems could help in predicting potential threats. The power of red stone doesn't work in case of stolen stone other the the owner.
Rubies' significance in the East put the Ruby on the forehead of a Buddha statue called a third eye. It represents reincarnation and is considered a way of learning about others' intentions through the third eye. In other words, the sixth sense helps in observing people and situations other than the five senses in humans.
What are Prices of Ruby Stone?
The quality rubies are relatively more expensive gemstones. The price of high-quality rubies is around 1,000,000 per carat. The larger-sized rubies have higher prices in comparison to the small-sized rubies. For instance, the price of high-quality Ruby is 1.52 carat is usually between 5,500 dollars. The average price range fall between in the case of rubies is 1,000 thousand dollars per carat.
Most Famous Rubies Stones of the world
Rubies of Crown of Jewel of England
Most famous is Burmese Ruby Tiara which belongs to Queen Elizabeth. The tiara consists of 96 rubies that were mounted on a necklace initially given to Queen Elizabeth by the people of Burma.
The Liberty Bell Ruby
Liberty Bell Ruby is the world's largest Ruby mined in the world. The weight of the world's biggest Ruby is 8,500 carats which is four pounds. The shape of the Liberty Bell Ruby is inspired by the Liberty Bell of the 1976 United States Bicentennial Celebration in which 50 diamonds were mounted that represented 50 states. The price was over 2 million dollars.
DeLong Star Ruby
The DeLong Star Ruby was discovered in Burma in 1930. It is 100.32 carat ruby which was donated to the American Museum of Natural History in 1937. It was considered a valuable addition to the museum as it has a 6-ray star pattern and size.
Sunrise Ruby
Sunrise Ruby is the most expensive gemstone and is known for its distinct color. The weight of sunrise Ruby is 25.59 carats which makes it to list of one of the bigger size gemstones. Sunrise Ruby is known for its cut and vibrant color in the world.
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