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2 kg Raw UV Reactive Hackmanite Stone for Lapidary | Buy Rare Raw Hackmanite

2 kg Raw UV Reactive Hackmanite Stone for Lapidary | Buy Rare Raw Hackmanite

Regular price $3,978.00 USD
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    Product Description

    Here is parcel of Raw Hackmanite stone. This is 2kg Package of a rare Hackmanite stone from Afghanistan.

    • Stone Name: Hackmanite
    • Quality: Cabbing, Tumbling , Carving , Translucent faceting
    • Sizes: under 1 to 5 gram plus
    • Location: Afghanistan
    • treatment: No
    • Fluorescent under UV light

    Have you heard about the captivating mineral called Hackmanite? It's part of the Sodalite family and has some pretty amazing features. One of the most fascinating things about Hackmanite is that it can change color when it's exposed to sunlight. This process is called tenebrescence, and it means that the mineral can shift from one color to another depending on the light it's exposed to. For example, a yellow Hackmanite can turn pink when it's out in the sun, but the pink color fades when it's kept in the dark. This is a pretty unique trait and makes Hackmanite a popular choice for mineral enthusiasts and collectors.

    But that's not all! Hackmanite also glows under UV light, which makes it look even more stunning. The mineral can absorb UV radiation and then emit it as visible light, which creates a beautiful effect. The fluorescent colors of Hackmanite can range from yellow-green to blue-violet, and it all depends on the impurities in the crystal.

    Hackmanite comes in a variety of colors, like grey, green, yellow, violet, pink, and blue. Although it's most commonly found in a soft white hue, the crystal formations are truly breathtaking. The cubic and octahedral shapes are especially beautiful and add to the mineral's allure.

    If you're a history buff, you might be interested to know that Hackmanite was first discovered in Greenland by L.H. Borgstroem in 1901. It was named after Victor Axel Hackman, a respected Finnish geologist who made notable contributions to the field. Today, you can find Hackmanite in many countries, including Afghanistan, Myanmar, Canada, Norway, and Russia.

    In conclusion, whether you're a mineral enthusiast or just appreciate the beauty of unique natural phenomena, Hackmanite is a mineral that's sure to captivate and impress. Its ability to change colors and emit a striking glow under UV light makes it truly one-of-a-kind. So why not add a piece of Hackmanite to your collection and experience its beauty for yourself?

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